Beyond the Bridge

Beyond the Bridge is project that brings the community together around a common passion:  Fighting poverty.

Essentially, products are created, donated to HATP, sold at retail value, and the profit of their sales goes directly to The Bridge.

Products of the Beyond the Bridge line are created by residents of The Bridge - a transitional housing program for homeless women and kids in NW Iowa; and members of the community who want to help those who are struggling break free from the bondage of poverty and homelessness.  

Items are crafted with great care and attention to details.  All items are quality products.  Participants of the community include church and college groups, local artists, and individuals with a heart for service.

Products created by members of the community are donated to Hands Around the Plain permitting all the proceeds from their sales to be given to The Bridge - allowing it to continue its ministry with homeless moms and kids.

Items include such things as candles, tote bags, baby blankets, scarves, goat soap, pet treats, quilts, pottery, photography, and table products.